Professor of History of Brazil Republic UFF. Associate researcher at the Center d'histoire du monde contenporain at Université Panthéon Sorbonne. CNPq Productivity Fellow and Faperj Young Scientist. Professor invité au Iheal/Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (2018). Fellow DEA – Directeur d'étude associé, of the Fondation Maison Sciences de l'Homme (2022).
She was a senior researcher at the National Truth Commission, responsible for organizing and writing the chapter “serious violations of human rights in universities” found in volume II of the report. Coordinator of the Present Time Observatory and the UFF hub of NACE CNV Brasil. Among his works, the following stand out: The student movement in resistance to the military dictatorship, 1969-1979 (Garamond, 2016) and with Camille Goirand, coordonné Documenter les violences : Usages publics du passé dans la justice transitionnelle (Iheal, 2020).