Felipe Loureiro
Associate Professor at the Institute of International Relations at USP, PhD in Economic History also at USP and researcher at the Laboratory for Studies on Brazil and the World System (Labmundi). He was president of the IRI Undergraduate Committee (2018-21) and member of the board of directors of the Brazilian Association of International Relations, ABRI (2021-23). He was a visiting researcher at the Institute for the Study of the Americas at the University of London (2010-11), at the Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs at Brown University (2017) and at the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University (2018).
He has research experience in the areas of History of International Relations, focusing on relations between Brazil and the USA during the Cold War, emphasizing the periods of government. João Goulart and the Brazilian military dictatorship; and in the history of Brazilian foreign policy, especially Independent Foreign Policy (PEI), dictatorship foreign policy, and contemporary foreign policy.