Interactive Whiteboard

Explore our series, sub-series and dossiers:


Political actors (AP) 

The Political Actors (PA) series is composed of six subseries: Catholic Church (IC); Political Class (CP); Students (ES); Business (E); Working Class (CT); and Military (MI). Given the particularities of the documentation, this series presents the political actors with whom or about whom American diplomats and officials were in constant contact. 

Press (I) 

The Press (I) series is composed of four dossiers: Censorship (C); Foreign Press (IE); Journalists and Media Owners (JP) and Repression and Arbitrary Arrests (RP). These are documents on censorship actions by the military dictatorship against the media and the repercussions of Brazilian policy on the foreign press, as well as meetings and contacts between diplomats and journalists, editors and media owners. 

Political conflicts (PC) 

The Political Conflicts (CP) series is composed of three subseries: Intramilitary (IM), Civil-Military Relations (RCM) and Political Opening (AP). It contains documents on political conflicts between the military itself and between civilians and the military that occurred during the dictatorship, as well as documents on the political opening that began in 1974. 

Normative instruments (IN) 

The Normative Instruments (IN) series is composed of four dossiers: Institutional Act No. 2 (AI2); Institutional Act No. 5 (AI5); Laws and Decrees (LD) and Constitutional Reforms (RC). It contains documents referring to laws, decrees, decree-laws and institutional acts created by military governments, in addition to proposals for constitutional reforms. 

International Relations and Brazilian Foreign Policy (RIPEB) 

The “International Relations and Brazilian Foreign Policy” series is composed of six subseries: Cold War (GF); International Organizations (IO); Latin America (LA); External Interventions (IE), Diplomats (D) and Bilateral Relations (RB). It contains documents on Brazilian foreign policy practiced during the military dictatorship, considering the context of the Cold War. 

Elections (E)

The Elections (E) series is composed of the following subseries: National Congress (CN); State Executive (EE); Federal Executive (EF) and Interventions and Electoral Reforms (IR). It contains documents related to elections in the three spheres of government, separated into dossiers by election with an indication of presidential succession and direct or indirect elections, as well as on reforms and proposed reforms of the electoral system classified by mandates in the federal government. Notes: See the chronology of Brazilian elections at:

Repression (R) 

The Repression (R) series is composed of three subseries: Structure (E); Armed groups (AG) and Human rights violations (VDH). These documents cover national security and military justice; actions of armed groups; torture, arbitrary arrests, deaths and forced disappearances, among others. 

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