Look here! Historical document on the US military contingency plan in Brazil in 1963

Check the document in our collection
Check out the document in our collection: http://nacecnv-brasil.prceu.usp.br/eua-e-ditadura/telegrama-aereo-de-lincoln-gordon-ao-departamento-de-estado-sobre-plano-de-contingencia-militar/
Credit: Robert Knudsen. White House Photographs. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston

60 years ago, the coup d'état began that would put Brazil into a long and dark 21 years of military dictatorship

To mark this sad date, the Center for Support for Culture and Extension on the National Truth Commission of USP (NACE CNV-Brasil) publishes a bombastic document about the type of interventionism that North American diplomatic representatives had been discussing in the event of a war between the Goulart government and a confederation of separatist states, formed, among others, by São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul.

It is a contingency plan prepared by the Embassy in Rio de Janeiro and sent to Washington on November 4, 1963, still during the John F. Kennedy administration.

If this plan had been carried out, it would have been, by far, the largest military intervention in the history of South America.

More than that, this contingency plan, still practically unexplored by scholars, demonstrates that North American policy makers were seriously thinking about intervention not only through a naval task (as would be approved during the coup, in what would become known as Operation Big Brother), but also through the placement of soldiers on Brazilian soil.

In the end, as we know, Yankee military intervention would not be necessary, since President Goulart would decide not to resist.

In any case, with this type of plan being discussed by North American diplomats, we would probably have had a gigantic human catastrophe in our country in case of resistance.

To date, there has been no formal apology from the North American government for this unacceptable type of violation of Brazilian sovereignty, even more so given the very serious consequences that this intervention brought to our country.

Never again dictatorship.

Prof. Dr. Felipe Loureiro,

Deputy coordinator of NACE CNV-Brazil,

Institute of International Relations at the University of São Paulo

One comment

  1. What were the key objectives outlined in the US military contingency plan for Brazil in 1963, and how did they reflect the geopolitical context of the time?

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